Canada is a wasteland of peace, universal healthcare, parliamentary government, and moose. In many ways it is a distorted reflection of America, the distant relative living in the attic that resembles us and shares many of our personality traits while still managing to be noticeably different. There's a comedian, whose name escapes me, that once correctly stated that the entire world…that life… is a freak show and to live in America is to have a front row seat. So where does that place Canadians? Directly behind us politely looking on in their distinctive quaint manner while we Americans scream at the top of our lungs, flailing about as means of ensuring we remain the center of all attention? Oh Canada. There's a constant cultural dialogue that occurs between America and Canada, but you can rest your ego filled American head peacefully because that dialogue is more often a one way conversation in which we constantly dare Canadians to differentiate themselves from us, knowing we ultimately don't care when they do. It's because of the very unique nature of the American-Canadian relationship that Canada has been able to undertake a very successful enterprise that no other nation in the world could duplicate. Canadians are masters at selling us back to ourselves.