Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Goldman Sachs is Robbing You Blind, But it’s Actually Kind of Funny

Last week the Federal Reserve announced it would engage a policy of quantitative easing. If you say the words quantitative easing (QE2) to me, my eyes glaze over. I have no clue what it means and I suspect most Americans don't either.  Turns out, it's all so simple it's actually kinda funny. 

I did however take an economics class in which I learned how the Federal Reserve works, and have enough knowledge to understand that the Federal Reserve can't just keep printing money as a means of creating economic growth. Eventually America will reach a point at which we've printed too much money, something I think most Americans do understand. I also understand, having been a breathing living human being during the fall of 2008 when the major banks of Wall Street received a federal bailout, that the American financial system is deeply troubled and probably just flat out rigged. Something else I think a healthy portion of the American people understand, and those that don't understand it certainly feel it in their bones. How might one bring all of these concepts full circle in a manner that explains quantitative easing, is mildly funny, and induces a small fit of rage? Watch the video.  It really starts getting good around 3:00.  Oh, this economic theft is so funny, it's hard to watch. Goldman Sachs is stealing money from the American people, and it's only been a few months since they pulled off the biggest robbery in history.  I was already banging my head against the wall before the video said not to. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Best post in a while. Video is outstanding and will be reposted (read stolen). Keep up the good work